Triple Digits

The EOU Women’s Basketball team took the court against the Walla Walla Wolves. Home court advantage and a 19 game winning streak sent them good vibes while they were on the court the night of the 26th of January. There was a big crowd supporting the players late that Saturday night, hoping for another win to add to the women’s amazing streak. The Mounties played it just like any other game taking it shot by shot, minute by minute. By the first 15 minutes Eastern had a lead of 38-17 over double that of the Wolves. With this quick lead, Anji Wiessenfluh, the head coach of EOU, let all 13 players have a chance on the court. Four of Eastern’s players stood out amongst the rest during the game against Walla Walla. These players were Whitney Meier, Maya Ah You Dias, Jillian Albright, and Brandy Smith. The game leaders for the Mounties scored 11 points, or more, each. Whitney Meier had the highest amount, with a total of 18 points.

At the half, it was 61 Mounties to 29 Wolves. With a lot of time left to score, the crowd was eager for the girls to reach triple digits. Eastern came out of the half rested and ready to continue their high scoring. They quickly advanced their score all the way to 111 points to win the game! The Mountaineers reached their highest-scoring game of the season in their win over the Walla Walla Wolves. The final was 111 Mounties to 49 Wolves in Eastern’s 20th win of the 2019 women’s basketball season.

You can find the Mountaineers back on the court in Quinn Coliseum on Friday, February 8th, 2019 playing against Warner Pacific in the Play4Kay Breast Cancer Awareness Night. Go Mounties!

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