Statements from the New ASEOU President

Another ASEOU election has come and gone, bringing both exciting new changes and eager new faces. Though it may take time for the new ASEOU administration to get settled and working, that doesn’t mean students shouldn’t be curious about what’s to come. In a brief email interview with The Voice, newly elected ASEOU president, Alexa Jamison, gave some insight into her immediate plans, as well as her current familiarity with the position and experience with campaigning. 

To begin, Jamison stated that her time campaigning was “nerve racking and stressful,” citing COVID restrictions as causing difficulties with student outreach. However, as result of campaigning via social media, assistance in handing out business cards and attendance in candidate forums events, Jamison was able to overcome these outreach issues and gain a new sense of motivation in the process, stating, “my desire for the job as president grew the more I campaigned.”

This desire seems to have paid off, but with the election over, even more work is on the horizon for Jamison and the new ASEOU officers. Currently, the newly elected members have not directly taken over their new positions, with Jamison acting as an interim president shadowing active ASEOU president Kegan Sanchez. Jamison stated that the position “feels both intuitive and overwhelming,” noting the variety of tasks and responsibilities to fulfill, such as involvement with various committees and communication with the Deans.

It’s doubtful, though, that there will be too many difficulties come Fall term, as Jamison says she wants “to hit the ground running.” Planning for the next academic year is already underway and students have some possible changes to look forward to. Jamison said that she and her team want to focus on student involvement along with student hunger, food drives and food donation, come next term. Unfortunately, possible COVID concerns may cause issues, though Jamison has reassured us that “if there is the possibility for more activity on campus, my team and I will be looking at how to increase student involvement in the activities on campus and EOU in general. If COVID is still a major concern, then we will most likely focus on student hunger and increasing the number of EOU events where and when we can.”

Student hunger specifically is going to be an area of focus for some time. The ASEOU is looking into a “Swipe Out Hunger program that allows students to donate or request meal swipes.” Jamison has noted her interest in continuing to develop this program in the Fall and hopefully organize a campus food pantry. As part of this project, Jamison and Sanchez are considering the possibility of food stamps, having already contacted an individual willing to help explain the process. 

While Spring term is just getting underway, our new ASEOU president is already laying the groundwork for next term. COVID may put a damper on what can specifically be done, it won’t be through a lack of planning. Come Fall term, EOU is likely to see a welcome uptick in campus involvement, both in student activities and student hunger projects.