Fiber Goes Vogue

Art Center East is currently holding its third annual Fiber and Jewelry art show. It has been open for several weeks now and will continue to remain open to the public well into March. For this event, artists were asked to pick a photograph out of Vogue and use it as inspiration for a piece of art. The art piece must use fabric, paper, stones, and other materials. The results were fantastic.

This year there were 25 entrants and they were each required to work with a distance of 16 inches. They could have longer or shorter lengths, but some component had to be 16 inches. From this very broad prompt, the artists each took their own unique approach.

Some created pieces that closely resembled the original photo, while others made something else entirely. Each of the pieces took at least one aspect of the photo they chose, whether it be colors, lines, texture, or movement. A photo of a woman standing on a small boat in a grove of trees inspired a piece with trees and moss made out of thread. Two people with textured clothing turned into a beautiful landscape with depth and nature. A girl wearing a shirt with an abstract design of feathers turned into a paper mache bird using sheet music.

Overall, the gallery is a treat, and worth the trip to the corner of Penn and 4th St in La Grande.


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