Website Development Log (Do Not Publish)

1/21/24 – Created pages for the categories “Arts and Culture”. In the websites header there is now a drop-down menu for the “Arts and Culture” subcategories. Changes made to the draft page “Sandbox” (a rough sketch on what the layout for the Arts and Culture category page.) Main focus was having all of the query loops functional with links to each subcategory. -NM

1/25/24 – Completed layout for “Features” page. NOTE: In order to get layouts correct. make sure that when a “group” block is containing main layout elements, the “inner blocks use content width” under the “layout” heading is turned on and “content” and “wide” are set to 1170. This will ensure each page layout is consistent with regard to the width of each page. – KR

1/26/24 – “Sports” template added. – KR

1/26/24 – Category archive pages are now not displaying. Used code below. However, links to pages will now need to be added manually to the menus and sub menus. As of 1/28/24 code below has been commented out i.e. it’s no longer preventing category archives from displaying. – KR

// Remove category archives
add_action('template_redirect', 'jltwp_adminify_remove_archives_category');
function jltwp_adminify_remove_archives_category()
    if (is_category()){
        $target = get_option('siteurl');
        $status = '301';
        wp_redirect($target, 301);

1/28/24 – How to make templates and make pages. – KR

1/28/24 – Added plugin to allow captions on “featured” images. (Theme does not allow captions.) Add photo credits in “captions” in the media library. Link to plugin: – KR

1/29/24 – How to add the most current EOU Sports posts to The Voice. – KR

1/30/24 – Added WordPress TUTORIALS page with video tutorials. – KR

1/30/24 – Installed “Block Visibility” Plugin. – KR

1/30/24 – Made changes to the Arts and Culture Section.
Created templates and pages for the subcategories – NM

1/30/24 – Combined “FIlm” and “Movie Reviews” subcategories due to insufficient content – NM

2/1/24 – Added “back to top” plugin to display “back to top” link at the bottom of each page. “Contact Us” is now hidden (block visibility) until content can be added. “Sponsor and Donate” page created. Banner updated and linked. “Author” block added to bottom of “Single Post” template. KR

2/2/24 – Socials section now hidden in right try. REASON: Redundant and the social media pages are not updated. Revised the author byline at the bottom of the “single post” template. Modified Campus and Community masthead to display accurately. Query loop still needs to be revised so that when content is added to category, “newest” post is displayed most prominently. – KR

2/10/24 – Refining the layout and display of the homepage (specifically the masthead, offset and category settings, drop down menu.) Also added more categories and worked with permissions to gain access to visibility settings.

2/27/24 – Installed multiple plugins. Advanced Ads (Manage and optimize your ads in WordPress) and Sassy Social Share (Slickest, Simplest and Optimized Social Share buttons.)