The Ed Club

Eastern Oregon University boasts a wide variety of clubs on campus. One club in particular, the Ed Club, focuses on preparing students as they strive to pursue a career in education. The Ed Club, advised by Tawnya Lubbes, consists of two co-presidents, Jilly Samp and Kyndra Nelson, as well as one officer, Dally Evans.

At each meeting, the Ed Club members discuss upcoming deadlines and opportunities for academic or future career advancement as a means of supporting one another. Additionally, club meetings consist of snacks, treats, games and the opportunity for a social hour with fellow future educators.

Students pursuing a career in education, particularly secondary education, often do not have classes together. One Ed Club member, Renee Blincoe, is currently a senior at EOU, majoring in English and writing. Renee enjoys going to the club meetings as “it’s a great way to connect with other people interested in education.” Additionally, Renee enjoys the sense of community Ed Club provides: “As someone not majoring in that field, I sometimes feel disconnected from the education space. Ed Club is a way for me to still communicate with other students interested in pursuing teaching in a fun way!” 

Students going into secondary education are majoring in some other subject area. Ed Club acts as a sort of mock professional learning community. It promotes a sense of community and allows students across campus to connect with one another on a professional and social level.

Joining on-campus clubs is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals. Ed Club is open for all! Ed Club meets in Zabel 205 at 5 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month.