My Positive Quarantine

Being someone who battles mental illness on an hourly basis and other disabilities, I will be the first to talk about how COVID-19 totally turned my world from only kind of slanted to completely upside down. COVID-19 has had one of the largest influences in recent times in every aspect of people’s lives, including mine. 

There are endless amounts of negative feelings and situations related to being in quarantine. Though my life has been altered in ways I never imagined in my lifetime, I do my best in remembering that there is a bright side to every situation, whether it’s at the end of a tunnel or a silver lining, I keep my spirits up however I can. Reminding myself of that is easier said than done, like most things, but I can say it is definitely possible to keep your head up in a situation that seems as far gone as this one. 

To prevent doom-like thoughts, I occupy my mind on something a little lighter and refreshing. One of the big activities I have been doing to stay positive is sewing face masks for people in need. Before the quarantine, I had made baby blankets, but never sewn a cloth face mask, so this was a new and challenging task for me. Once I figured out what I was doing, being in a good groove felt great and really reassuring! I knew that what I was doing would be beneficial to those in need around me and that really lifted my spirits. 

Sewing isn’t the only thing I am doing to keep my cool though, so if you’re looking for ideas from me, but don’t know how to sew, stay tuned. In addition to sewing, I have been exploring, in alphabetical order, because I have nothing better to do, the worlds of, baking, binge-watching Netflix, cleaning, cooking, dog walking and training, drawing, gaming, gardening, interior design, journaling, painting, puzzles, running (send help).

Somewhere in all of my new hobbies, I find structured time for homework, quality time with my boyfriend, and most importantly, time to calm my mind down from all that is hectic in my life these days. This is without a doubt the most important part of what I am doing to stay positive. I think that with being home all day, it is hard to remember that we may still need to practice self-care and mindfulness to keep our mental health in check. Sometimes doing nothing is better for my mindset than keeping myself busy.