Month: May 2024

  • Interview Tips for Graduating Seniors

    With Spring Term coming to a close, a new wave of undergraduate students are preparing to cross the stage at Eastern Oregon University, diploma in hand. While graduation is an undoubtedly exciting time, the impending job search can be overwhelming for many. The Voice has gathered a list of interview tips to make this transition…

  • The AI Dilemma

    The AI Dilemma

    Within the last year, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a hotly debated topic, especially for college students navigating the realm of academic integrity.  In a study titled “Creativity and Artificial Intelligence—A Student Perspective,” Rebecca Marrone et al. set out to explore the effects of AI on the creativity of college students. Participants were tasked with…

  • Senior Spotlight: Nygma Moses

    As we are halfway through the last term of the 2023-2024 school year, I had the pleasure of talking to Nygma Moses, a senior here at Eastern Oregon University. Before he graduates this spring, he was able to share with us how his college experience has been throughout the past few years. How did you…

  • Thank You Jeannette Benton

    After years of dedicated service as a cherished English and writing professor, Jeannette Benton is bidding farewell to the halls of Eastern Oregon University and stepping into a well-deserved retirement. For nearly a decade, she has served as the faculty advisor of The Voice, acting as a mentor for countless students, shaping not only their…