Month: May 2020

  • How to Counsel During Quarantine

    How to Counsel During Quarantine

    With the craziness that has become society’s new normal due to COVID-19, I was curious to know what measures were being taken for EOU community members when it came to mental health. Luckily, I was able to catch both Marianne Weaver, Licensed Psychologist and Director of the Eastern Oregon University Counseling Center, and Adam Lotfi…

  • Tutoring Services Are Still Available for Spring Term

    COVID-19 had caused Spring term for EOU students to change drastically, and this includes changes to the tutoring services. Before Spring term, the tutoring services were offered in the Learning Center, which is located on the second floor of Loso. The Writing tutors had drop in hours that were utilized by students who wanted fresh…

  • Trying to Keep Sane in an Era of Social Distancing

    It’s been said countless times on the news, but we really are in unprecedented times. It’s wild to look back to two months ago and try to remember how I thought the rest of my senior year at EOU would be, and now it’s so vastly different. I thought I would be in class, with…

  • Little Things

    Little Things

    It takes 66 days on average to form a habit according to most of the research that I’ve read this morning. It could be more, could be less; it all depends on the habit that you hope to establish. If it’s something easy, maybe only 21 days. The lockdown started exactly 28 days ago here…