EOU vs. Warner Pacific

Our EOU men’s basketball team lost to Warner Pacific on Friday, the 9th. This happened to be a game on the road for EOU, as the game was played in Portland, Oregon. The last time these two teams played each other, EOU was victorious. That last game, Warner was up by over twenty, but EOU eventually came back and won. That wasn’t the case this recent game. Warner came out with a vengeance, and they destroyed EOU.

The leading scorer of the game was sophomore guard, Max McCullough. Max ended the game with thirty points on 12-21 shooting. Austin Winegar, who has proven to be a consistent scorer, scored thirteen points. Jordan May and Cole Ashby also contributed to the scoring load with ten points each.

Although this was a tough loss, I’m sure they will learn and grow from this. As someone else once told me, “take your wins how you’d take your losses, with your head up.”

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