Month: June 2022

  • Tuition, Fees and Room-and-Board Rate Increases Approved for EOU

    The past two and half years have been a financial and mental struggle for individuals and institutions alike. Eastern Oregon University along with students, staff and faculty are no exception. Ongoing economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has, despite the best efforts of administrators, continued to strain EOU financially. In particular, tuition drop off due…

  • Approaching two years of Drug Decriminalization in Oregon

    In Oregon, drug use is a widespread problem that the state has tried to approach in various different ways. In 1971, U.S. President Richard Nixon declared the “war on drugs”, citing drug abuse as public enemy number one. The federal government-led initiative aimed to combat illegal drug use by increasing penalties, enforcement, and incarceration for…

  • Opinion: Open Book Exams are Better than Closed Book Exams

    Any college student who has opened an exam on Canvas or been given a paper exam in a classroom knows the gut-wrenching feeling of being underprepared, or simply anxious to do well. There are many benefits to open book exams as opposed to closed book exams.  Panicking/Anxiety The problem with closed book exams is that…