Month: April 2021

  • National Poetry Month: Celebrating Creative Expression

    April is National Poetry Month and during a time when creative arts seem to be of growing interest, it is more important than ever to celebrate and appreciate them, including the art of poetry. National Poetry Month was established by the Academy of American Poets in 1996. It was created to allow poetry to shine…

  • Sexual Assualt Awareness Month

    In an email sent out by Colleen Dunne-Cascio (Title IX Coordinator), Eastern Oregon University (EOU) students were informed of ways that they can show their support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month or SAAM. SAAM, observed in April, is an annual, month long recognition and education opportunity for how to prevent sexual violence. EOU students are…

  • Organizations and Clubs Calendar

    Organizations and Clubs Calendar

    Art Club and Nightingale Gallery Now – May 1: The Junior Exhibition located at Art Center East is open to the public and photos can be found online for a virtual tour at April 21-May 12: Mimesis: The Capstone Exhibition of Alexis Maki & Spencer Marotto Graham, Art major seniors. The two artists will…

  • Students may be familiar with the “incidental fees” category cropping up on their bill, though possibly without any context. The money paid toward these fees does not simply disappear into the void, never to be touched again. These incidental fees are what keeps student activities and clubs in operation. Responsible for the continued planning and…